Following the launch of TTR World Tour on Android (Premium only - pay once get everything), Website
"Games are one of those activities, that sharpens the minds but sometimes it can become difficult to select the best game, as there are...

Table Top Racing: World Tour for XboxOne launches today!
Liverpool, UK – 10th March, 2017 – Indie developer and publisher Playrise Digital launches pint-sized, powered-up combat racer ‘Table Top...

Table Top Racing: World Tour scheduled for launch on XBOX®ONE 10th March, 2017!
Liverpool, UK – 21st February, 2017 – Indie developer and publisher Playrise Digital today confirmed that its pint-sized, powered-up...

New 'Tropical Ice Pack' DLC announced for ‘Table Top Racing: World Tour’ on PS4 and PC
Liverpool, UK, 1st September, 2016 – Indie developer and publisher Playrise Digital today announced a brand new DLC pack for much loved...

Table Top Racing: World Tour for PC, launches on Steam today!
Liverpool, UK, 26th May, 2016 – Indie developer and publisher Playrise Digital today launches micro-combat racer ‘Table Top Racing: World...

Table Top Racing: World Tour confirmed for PC, launching on Steam, 26th May!
Liverpool, UK, 18th May, 2016 – Indie developer and publisher Playrise Digital today confirmed that micro-combat racer ‘Table Top Racing:...

Table Top Racing: World Tour is out today! FREE to PS+ subscribers globally, Supercharger Pack DLC u
Liverpool, UK, 3rd May, 2016 – Award winning indie developer and publisher Playrise Digital launched micro-combat racer ‘Table Top...

Table Top Racing: World Tour revs up for launch on this month’s PS+ update, FREE to subscribers from
EU/US "Full Game" and "Supercharger Pack" release on May 3rd. EU theme is also May 3rd but in the USA, the PS4 animated theme is released...

TTR: World Tour @ EGX Rezzed, London
TTR: World Tour had an incredible reception at EGX Rezzed. From the moment the doors opened it was clear that our game was popular with...

Playrise announce official 'YO! Sushi' themed race track for 'Table Top Racing: World To
Liverpool, 26th August, 2015: Award winning indie developer and publisher Playrise Digital today announced a new partnership with 'YO!...